Everybody needs good neighbours

I’ve been wanting to put Tia, Scrumpy Harold and all the piglets in together for ages, but have thus far lacked the courage, especially considering how small Bubble is. So, as a compromise, yesterday I moved Scrumpy’s ark through the mud and large puddles (ie small lakes) up to where Tia’s is. I set up the electric netting pens so that they’re close enough for the pigs to realise there are other pigs just out of reach but far enough apart that they are definitely out of reach (and so I can walk between them).

Scrumpy and Scratchy - 21 October 2008

Scrumpy and Scratchy - 21 October 2008

Curly, Wurly and Scratchy - 21 October 2008

Curly, Wurly and Scratchy - 21 October 2008

I figured that this way they can all get used to the sights, sounds and smells of the other pigs without having close contact.

Pinky meets Curly and Wurly - 21 October 2008

Pinky meets Curly and Wurly - 21 October 2008

Then, when I can pluck up my courage, I thought I will be able to put them together with the minimum of fuss.

What I didn’t realise was that the piglets would start taking care of that themselves. This morning, I fed Tia and her brood first and then put Scrumpy and Harold’s bowls down. I went to feed the piglets and realised that I only had two of the four. After a few moments of panic, I found Bubble and Squeak…

From little to large - 22 October 2008

From little to large - 22 October 2008

Do you think that’s a good sign?!

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