Time stands still?

It strikes! one, two,
Three, four, five, six. Enough, enough, dear watch,
Thy pulse hath beat enough. Now sleep and rest;
Would thou could’st make the time to do so too;
I’ll wind thee up no more.
Ben Jonson

Last week, my watch strap snapped and so I borrowed one of B’s watches (yes, she has many) until I get round to fixing mine. However, that decided to stop working over the weekend!

I was lucky enough to have company in the form of Jennie and then B at the farm all weekend, both of whom wore working watches. But I was “home alone” yesterday and that meant no watch.

With one exception (I ended up having lunch at half past two!), it was wonderful. No pressure, no deadlines. Just me and whatever task needed doing.

I might not bother fixing my watch strap: just set the alarm on my phone so I don’t miss real deadlines.

2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by suzy2110 on 24 March 2009 at 1:41 pm

    My watch strap broke about ten years ago and I haven’t worn a watch since.

    However, I am an obsessive time keeper, so this doesn’t make me ANY less stressed about it! 😛

  2. I managed for years without one, but that was when I worked in an office and between the clock on my computer and the clock on my phone, not to mention the clocks on the walls at home and work, had little need for yet one more clock on my wrist.

    My immediate priority is to rid of the tan line on my wrist!

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