Posts Tagged ‘woods’

Castell Coch

I took the dogs for a walk yesterday in the woods surrounding Castell Coch with Jennie and her clan. Despite living in the same valley as Castell Coch for a year in my early twenties, I’ve never visited the castle before. It was closed for refurbishment but I can now confirm that it looks as much of a fairytale castle up close as it does from the train:

Castell Coch - 1 February 2009

Castell Coch - 1 February 2009

We had originally planned on another beach walk but the wind inland was decidedly chilly and we decided that finding out how cold it would be on the coast wasn’t the best plan. Somehow, the protection and shelter of trees seemed like a much better idea!

Jennie's boys and the dogs - 1 February 2009

Jennie's boys and the dogs - 1 February 2009

And, yes, it was a great idea and I had a great time. We walked through the woods for almost two hours, throwing sticks for Snipe (Midge doesn’t do chasing things) and just enjoying ourselves. Bring such a cold day, there weren’t that many people out and about: I can’t imagine how crowded the woods would be at the height of summer!

Midge - 1 February 2009

Midge - 1 February 2009

There were loads of interesting secrets in one part of the woods that we ventured into out of curiosity, such as trees with small doors and windows – and a great big treasure chest! Not to mention the dragon…

Unfortunately, my battery died on me so I couldn’t take any more photos, but I dare say Jennie will post something that explains things!