Posts Tagged ‘snow’

Picking up the pieces…

Well … I was going to write something witty today but my wits have been buried under several inches of snow, along with a large portion of my sanity, not to mention my anti-chocolate armour (a bar of chocolate is a bar of chocolate, right, no matter how big it is? Right? …)

Where was I?

Oh yes.

The snow.

I no longer like the snow.

Today, I was meant to have an assessment for counselling. Believe me when I say this was a Big Deal. It took a long time to come round to the idea that some sort of professional support was required. Then a bit longer to ring up and make the appointment. Thankfully, it was only a week but a week is a long time when something is looming.

But the appointment gave me something to aim for, a structure. 2pm Wednesday, Wednesday at two o’clock, a mantra, a rhythm, a heart beat.

And then it snowed and all appointments were cancelled.

I have to ring tomorrow to book a new appointment – that is, if they are open.

That’s the problem with pinning your hopes on something, you never know when the goal posts will be moved.

So it’s been a bit of a miserable afternoon for me. All that adrenalin had to go somewhere and it came out as a lot of rather negative bullshit, though, of course, at the time what’s real is what feels real.

A blip, a dip, a bloody great crater.

Use what metaphor you will, I fell good and proper.

But I’m back on my feet now, after several cups of tea and a couple of rounds of toast and honey.

This will not become a moan and groan blog, I will not allow it.

So here’s something to make you all giggle.

I’m currently staying with my friend H and her two kids, L and A.

H and A built a snowman this afternoon (L being far too aloof to engage in such activities with his mum and little sister!).

Spot the difference…

6 January 2010

6 January 2010

2 February 2009

2 February 2009


Edit: on re-reading, it occurs to me that I failed to mention the real reason I got back on my feet (well, on my arse on the sofa) – support from friends. Never underestimate the power of a phone call or a hug. Invaluable.

Nadolig Llawen…

…and all that jazz

Snipe - 21 December 2009

Snipe - 21 December 2009

I hope you and yours have a lovely day.

Snow views

I know you should have the sun behind you when you take photos, but there are times when it’s the sun you want to photograph…

The sun over a snowy field - 22 December 2009

The sun over a snowy field - 22 December 2009

Cold, but bloody gorgeous.

Fergie in the snow!

Hmm, I don’t think Fergie’s particularly impressed with the change in weather…

Jo and Fergie - 21 December 2009

Jo and Fergie - 21 December 2009

Fussy pig, she won’t like it when the snow and ice turn back to rain and mud!

April showers… or April snow?

It’s all about the rain this week (and then some!) but last year it was a bit cold for rain, so we experienced some April snow!

The view from Mum's yard gate - 4 April 2008

Fog on 4 April 2008

The view from Mum's yard gate - 6 April 2008

Frost on 6 April 2008

The view from Mum's yard gate - 7 April 2008

Snow on 7 April 2008

It's snow joke if you're a newborn foal! 7 April 2008

It's snow joke if you're a newborn foal!

Midge didn't leave the concrete path all day!

Midge didn't leave the concrete path all day!

Snipe and Teal loved it and spent the day acting like puppies!

Snipe and Teal loved it and spent the day acting like puppies!

More fun in the snow!

Monday’s snow gave way to the “proper stuff” yesterday.

It was short-lived but wonderful while it lasted.

(Any chance we can just skip the thaw?!)

Midge used to hate the snow (being both wet AND cold) but her new t-shirt seems to have given her courage. Look at her go for it with Fab!

Midge used to hate the snow (being both wet AND cold) but her new t-shirt seems to have given her courage. Look at her go for it with Fab!

Kind soul that I am, I went out in this to do the chickens and feed the pigs

Kind soul that I am, I went out in this to do the chickens and feed the pigs

They stayed indoors for several hours after I opened the door until the sun came out!

They stayed indoors for several hours after I opened the door until the sun came out!

They look cosy!

They look cosy!

The Snowball Fight!

The Snowball Fight!

What a difference a few hours makes in the weather!

What a difference a few hours makes in the weather!



Words fail me, they really do. Daft dog!

Words fail me, they really do. Daft dog!



Snow fun!

It doesn’t look as though the snow will be hanging around for very long so I thought I’d bombard you with some of my favourite photos from yesterday. The snow wasn’t very deep but we’re meant to be getting some more today.

Snipe was enjoying the snow, though not when the flakes landed on her nose!

Snipe was enjoying the snow, though not when the flakes landed on her nose!

Tia and Scrumpy spent the day asleep. Bailey and Brini, however, were more interested in getting back to their native New Zealand as fast as possible...

Tia and Scrumpy spent the day asleep. Bailey and Brini, however, were more interested in getting back to their native New Zealand as fast as possible...

I don't think the white powder falling from the sky is actually snow...

I don't think the white powder falling from the sky is actually snow...

Scrumpy and Tia woke up just in time for their tea. Not snow-pigs!

Scrumpy and Tia woke up just in time for their tea. Not snow-pigs!

Snow at sunset

Snow at sunset

Midge hunting for mice

Midge hunting for mice

The shower curtain on the Eglu worked a treat!

The shower curtain on the Eglu worked a treat!